#1ROOM30DAYS: Powder Room Makeover

Hello My Loves!!!

Once again I am participating in the #1room30days challenge hosted by Alaya at Behind the Green Door. She is an incredibly talented designer and an amazing host. She has a wonderful ability to corral everyone together and keep them on track. In true motivator (whip cracker) fashion, she’s been known to contact you by phone/email if she feels you’re MIA😜. So it’s no surprise that nearly all participants of this challenge finish the projects they start.


If you’ve missed it, please find my Dining Room Make-over from the last challenge here.


This time around, I’ve decided to tackle my powder room / half bath. I’ve re-done most of the rooms and areas on my main floor, but for some reason I have been conveniently avoiding this room.

Well not anymore!!! IT’S GOING DOWN!!!!


Thirty days may seem like a lot of time, but I’ve learned from the last challenge that it can go by at the snap of a finger. Proper planning is the only way I’m going to get through this project. I don’t have everything fine tuned, but I do at least know what I want to accomplish here. Let’s discuss it while I share some additional pics of this room.


Powder Room Makeover #homedecor #1Room30Days with Angela East at angelaeast.com

I know, this is pretty ugly. Okay, who am I kidding, VERY UGLY! I really don’t know why I’ve been putting this off. First order of business is to change the wall color. I haven’t decided if I am gonna paint, stencil, or wall paper. But the color I want to use is definitely a dark gray. I may also add moulding / trim boxes on the wall.

Powder Room Makeover #homedecor #1Room30Days with Angela East at angelaeast.com

I don’t know if you can tell from this picture but, this room must have had a closet or something here at some point. The bevel on the wall is from a poor drywall job. I will fix that if it cannot be covered by the built-in shelving that I plan on installing in this wasted space.



Powder Room Makeover #homedecor #1Room30Days with Angela East at angelaeast.com

The accent decor in here will be up-cycled, recycled, or removed.



Powder Room Makeover #homedecor #1Room30Days with Angela East at angelaeast.com

Guys, I really didn’t realize how awful this bathroom was until I took these pictures. SOOO EMBARRASSING 🙈! The toilet will stay but I really want to replace the vanity and sink. I’m thinking either marble or granite sink top on a pedestal or Bombay chest.



Powder Room Makeover #homedecor #1Room30Days with Angela East at angelaeast.com

I also plan on replacing or up-cycling this mirror as well as replacing the light fixture.



Powder Room Makeover #homedecor #1Room30Days with Angela East at angelaeast.com

Last but not least, these floors MUST go! I chose not to replace them when I did the other floors on this level, now I secretly regret that decision (don’t tell my husband)😜. I’m thinking this space can be done in a weekend, though I’m not sure what type of floors I want yet. I guess this will be a surprise.


Below is an list of my tasks so that I’m able to prioritize and stay on task. I hope to start with the bigger / most intensive projects and work my way down.


  • Paint Dark Gray / Wall Paper / Stencil / Moulding
  • Built-in shelving
  • Replace vanity and sink
  • Replace light fixture
  • Replace flooring
  • Replace mirror
  • Decorate


If you are interested in seeing progress pictures, I’ll more than likely post them on Instagram @iamangelaeast. So be sure to follow me there.



My powder room is still missing the sink/vanity. Everything else was completed in July. I’ve put this off so long with the hopes of finding that perfect piece but never the less, I’ve given myself to the end of the year to do that.

Check back in January for the reveal. 


Be sure to check back here at the end of the month to see the final reveal. Have a wonderful weekend.

AngelaEast Signature on angelaeast.com



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Powder Room Makeover #homedecor #1Room30Days with Angela East at angelaeast.com

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