MacKenzie-Childs Inspired Accent Wall – DIY Painted

MacKenzie-Childs Inspired DIY Painted Accent Wall
The BEFORE picture…

I searched and searched and could not find a better photo than this of my niche before the change. I believe this was taken the day we were having our floors replaced. It’s not a direct photo but you can see how plain the wall is.

MacKenzie-Childs Inspired DIY Painted Accent Wall
Step 1.

Tape the edges of the area you will be painting. Then paint the entire area white.

MacKenzie-Childs Inspired DIY Painted Accent Wall
Step 2.

Measure and mark the width and height of the wall, then, using a level, draw a straight line on those marks. Where the lines intersect is the center of the wall.

MacKenzie-Childs Inspired DIY Painted Accent Wall
Step 3.

Measure and mark 1″ on either side of the intersecting point on both the horizontal and vertical lines.

MacKenzie-Childs Inspired DIY Painted Accent Wall
Step 4.

Use a level to carry those outside marks to the ceiling, floor, left and right edges.

MacKenzie-Childs Inspired DIY Painted Accent Wall
Step 5.

Your markings should look like the following pictures. The space between the lines is 2″.

MacKenzie-Childs Inspired DIY Painted Accent Wall
MacKenzie-Childs Inspired DIY Painted Accent Wall

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